
New Year's Skincare Resolution #2: Moisturize More

January 21, 2019
By: Dermatology Consultants of Frisco

If you read our first article in our New Year skincare resolution series, you'll know that facial serum is a winner.

Once you've applied your serum, the next phase is moisturizing. Moisturizer keep your skin smooth and lock in your serum for maximum absorption.

Moisturizing is Key to Beautiful Skin

If you want to preserve your skin’s fresh and glowing look, it's essential to moisturize regularly. Making moisturizer a key element in your daily skincare regimen prevents extremely dry or oily skin. It also wards off the irritation that comes with it. To reiterate an earlier point, yes, even oily skin needs to be moisturized. Who’d have thought?

Funnily enough, skin can become overly oily when soaps and other products strip it of its moisture. It’s your sebaceous glands overcompensating for the dryness that leaves your skin in that state. By using a daily moisturizer, you can restore your skin's natural pH balance. It could also help regulate your body’s sebum production. That way your skin remains healthy and isn’t too oily or too dry.

The regular use of a good moisturizer can even help protect you from skin cancer. Your skin needs hydration for rejuvenation. By supplementing your skin's rejuvenation, your cells will turn over faster. This results in healthier looking skin that’s less susceptible to skin cancer.

Not All Moisturizers are Created Equally

When you're thinking about a moisturizer, it's important to know that all moisturizers are not created equally. Some are water-based, and others might be oil-based. Some have fragrances, while others don't. Most importantly, some contain important skincare ingredients like vitamins, antioxidants, and SPF, while others don't. Get with the former not the latter. Here are some key ingredients and terms to look for in your moisturizer.

Oil-Free – Even if your skin is dry, to avoid clogging your pores. It's best to choose a moisturizer that is oil-free and non-comedogenic.

Vitamins C+E – These anti-oxidant rich vitamins will help protect your skin from free radicals and fight skin damage before it appears.

Vitamins A+B5 – These vitamins heal the skin and promote firmness while keeping your moisture levels up.

SPF 15 or Higher – An SPF of 15 or higher will help prevent premature aging, and sun damage as well as certain types of skin cancer.

Humectants – Humectants like glycerin, and hyaluronic acid draw moisture to your skin and are important for maintaining skin health.

Applying Moisturizer

Moisturizing is a daily process that should be at the core of every skincare regimen. The skin is the body's largest organ after all. For the best results, you should moisturize your face at least twice a day. We recommend doing so after washing your skin, patting it dry, and applying your serums.

Most people just moisturize their face and the parts of their body that are visible to others. They often neglect their chest, upper arms, inner thighs etc. Moisturizing is best done right after a shower, a shave, or after exfoliating. After you get out of the tub, pat yourself dry with a towel, and then apply your moisturizer immediately. This locks in the moisture from the water. If you fail to moisturize after a shower, the water quickly evaporates and leaves your skin extremely parched. Following this instruction will help give your body an age-defying glow that will keep skin irritation at bay.

It's also important to hydrate internally by drinking lots of water. External moisture may be key, but internal moisturizing is equally important to your skin's health as well. So, keep drinking that water, it's helping you save your beautiful complexion.

For additional guidance in choosing the best skincare regime for your skin, you should book an appointment with a dermatologist like Dermatology Consultants of Frisco today!