
Common Skin Conditions

July 24, 2018
By: Dermatology Consultants of Frisco

Skin is the largest organ in our bodies and our protection against the outside world.

ust about everyone encounters issues from time to time with their skin. Thankfully though, many of the more common skin conditions can be addressed through modern dermatology. Below are outlined a few of these conditions, including acne, moles, and rashes, as well as how they are normally treated.


Acne is probably the most well-known skin condition on earth. Most adolescents go through a phase where facial acne is very common due to high levels of oil production. However, acne in adulthood and in other areas of the body are also fairly common.

Acne causes small pustules, most frequently red pimples filled with pus, to form on the surface of the skin. Other types of acne include papules, caused by hair follicles, as well as nodules and cysts, both of which develop below the surface of the skin.

Acne can be treated with topical cleanser and creams and, if necessary, advanced medication. Prescription medication can help in severe cases and with the treatment of cysts specifically.


Another common skin condition is hives. Hives are small, itchy bumps that form on the surface of the skin. Generally, hives result from an allergic reaction in the body, but may be a response to stress or sickness. The best way to prevent hives is to avoid all allergens. If an outbreak occurs, it can be treated with antihistamines.


A very unpleasant but common skin condition faced by many is warts. Warts are a highly contagious skin condition that can affect any part of the skin, but usually show up on the hands and feet. Warts will often disappear naturally, but they can also be treated by a dermatologist. Usually, the use of medicated creams or freezing can clear up warts.

Cold Sores

It's not uncommon to develop cold sores, especially when coming down with a case of a full cold. A cold sore is usually a red blister which forms around the mouth. Cold sores can be irritating or painful, but you will likely experience discomfort or itching in the spot of the sore.

Cold sores can last for several weeks and recur over time when associated with the herpes virus. The herpes virus does not currently have an established cure. That said, cold sores can be treated by dermatologists using creams or prescription medicines.


Those with children know that measles is a very contagious condition. In addition to young children, measles tends to affect pregnant women more than other adults. Measles is not just a skin condition, however. Symptoms include fever, runny eyes and nasal passages, and often coughing. Additionally, measles tends to cause red spots within the mouth and a generalized body rash. Measles can be treated by a doctor but will taper off on its own after one or two weeks.

Skin issues are a fact of life. With the right dermatological care, however, you can regain your perfect skin. Contact Dermatology Center of Frisco for more information or to schedule a consultation today.