
Common Pediatric Skin Problems

February 25, 2019
By: Dermatology Consultants of Frisco

Children's skin undergoes drastic changes on its way to adulthood; it is important to entrust your growing child's skin to trusted medical professionals.

Dermatology Consultants of Frisco will take care of your child's skin by ensuring that all the pediatric skin problems your child is exposed to are treated or prevented. Visit us today to have your child have healthy skin. 

Some of the common pediatric skin problems include dermatitis and acne. In this article, you are going to learn more about the causes and management of these conditions. 


Dermatitis is the general inflammation of the skin. Children are affected by two strains of dermatitis: diaper dermatitis and atopic dermatitis (eczema). Diaper dermatitis or diaper rash is usually a group of skin conditions affecting the diaper area. 

Irritant contact dermatitis is the most prevalent strain of the disease. The condition is triggered by extended exposure to urine and feces in infants. It manifests as reddish patches similar to blisters in the diaper area. Failure to seek early treatment can cause infection in the groin and buttocks area. Frequent diaper changes are vital in preventing extended skin contact with moisture. Barrier creams and ointments made of zinc oxide can also be used in the treatment of diaper rash. 

Atopic dermatitis is a skin condition that often strikes during early childhood and can last up to early adulthood. Most infants outgrow this condition by the age of 2, though they may have sensitive skin throughout their adult life. The disease has a genetic correlation, affecting families with a history of allergies and asthma. Dermatitis is worsened by skin contact with irritants including harsh soaps and cosmetics. Tight-fitting clothing can also aggravate the condition. Symptoms include red and itchy patches on the skin, rashes on the face 2 to 4 months after infection, and oozing after scratching the rash. 

Treatment includes gentle skincare with mild soap, use of moisturizers, and having daily baths. We recommend that you use moisturizers containing ceramides because they help to repair the skin and protect against harmful germs.


Acne is a major pediatric skin problem. It is frequent during the hormonal surge of adolescence. Acne is fueled by stress, poor diet, and hygiene. It is caused when hair follicles become clogged with sebum and keratin. The clogged follicles, full of pus develop into red swellings which make the skin scar. 

Haircare products including grease, conditioner, and gels can also cause acne around the hairline. You can reduce the risk of acne occasioned by the use of hair products by limiting the usage and avoiding your hair from making contact with the face. Mild acne can be treated using over the counter cleansers that contain benzoyl peroxide. Visit a dermatologist if the use of over the counter medication fails to yield results after 8 to 12 weeks. 

The secret to curing any skin problem is to visit a dermatologist as soon as you notice changes in your skin. The longer you take before you see a medical professional, the lesser the chances of recovering completely from your skin condition. So today with Dermatology Consultants of Frisco and restore your beautiful skin!